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Hello from Austin, TX (was in DFW, now in Austin)

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 8:04 am
by corollaman
Hello everyone,

I wanted to say hello. I dont think I did a formal introduction. I am 23, I used to live in Dallas but now I am in Austin going to graduate school for two Masters degrees. I have had 6 Corollas (85 gts hatch, 86 sr5 hatch, 85 gts hatch, 85 gts coupe, 85 gts hatch, 85 gts hatch, and now 85 RHD Levin Hatch) in my life, and this new one is my 7th and my best one so far. I have been on the forum for a while now. I hope everyone has a wonderful day and thank you all in advance for your knowledge, and good times I know we will share in the future. Take care!

P.S. If anyone wants to get together in Austin (09/17/2011), I'll be down, if you guys want to get dinner or something. Let me know. thanks!

UPDATE (09/19/2011):
"created a new thread for you with the pics in the appropriate section mr. man" - admin

Re: Hello from Austin, TX (was in DFW, now in Austin)

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 9:30 am
by dr.occa
Thanks for the formal intro bro! 2 masters huh, nice.

Wouldn't mind getting to together with more 86G buddies even just for a meal.

Hit up Thaison and have some dindin with him at Pho Thaison! Thaison's a good guy.

Re: Hello from Austin, TX (was in DFW, now in Austin)

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 10:07 am
by JDMwhiteboy
Welcome man, I think we will have to have another 8-6 day seeing that many couldnt make it this year. ALso i'm with dr occa, you need to check out Pho Thaison if you want the best pho in your life!

Re: Hello from Austin, TX (was in DFW, now in Austin)

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 10:15 am
by corollaman
I think my apartment is right next to it, south austin?

EDIT: Just did, yes, only 4-5 minutes from me. Is it really that good? Anyone want to meet up tonight and get some? Lol. :D

Re: Hello from Austin, TX (was in DFW, now in Austin)

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2011 12:46 pm
by joel26
Welcome :action14:

Re: Hello from Austin, TX (was in DFW, now in Austin)

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2011 2:59 am
by AznTKDmstr
that's my joint! you're in south austin too?? so am i! and another corolla guy! hit me up sometime!

Re: Hello from Austin, TX (was in DFW, now in Austin)

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 12:01 pm
by corollaman
Pics updated on first post!

Re: Hello from Austin, TX (was in DFW, now in Austin)

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 1:35 pm
by dr.occa
Another update.

Re: Hello from Austin, TX (was in DFW, now in Austin)

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 8:30 pm
by Nemo
Welcome sir hope you enjoy your stay! and i would be down for another 86day! i would really like to meet some other 86 owners in person