got a few things coming up. 1 is a trip to nicaragua, amongst other things. so i'm trying to get ahead before i start running like a chiken with my head cut off. Kinda need the money more than the project atm. Offers are O.B.O. guess i should of written that before hand.
Dang I didn't realize there was a cue for it. Well I'll definitely buy if the other offers fall through, I just need to work on getting a PO box in WA. Keep me posted please. I'll PM you with a reminder in a bit
i'm unsure if i'm getting out, i doubt it, i'm just needing to get alot of things straightened out before i can continue with anything :/ i'll definately keep in mind the hell jdm, thanks!
Do you still have those transmissions for sale? If so what condition are they in any grinds etc.? Will you take $200 both? Im in san antonio but have a friend who lives in houston that can pick them up for me.