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D Spot location..

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 2:49 am
by DjSpecter
Hmmm....i know this is going to sound stupid but.....SInce there is no on in san antonio that will talk about drift spots but only me and no one wants to share where they know some at would it be wise to post up directions on here to some locations that I got? Cause i am all for the people to go drifting with me cause it sucks when im alone. I know im sounding like a total loaner and im not its just most of my friends drive FWD cars and before you smart asses say well make more RWD friends... :twisted: Would it be wise to post up my spots and how to get to them cause i want more people to drift with.

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 9:38 am
by uniquetrueno
no, it is not wise to post drift spot.

1st, sometimes cops visit forum to find out wheres the newest hang out spot.

2nd, you might ended up losing the spot if too many people know it. Believe it or not, some people is gonna go almost everyday. Thats how they lost the spot in SA afew years ago. They had a pretty good spot but they let too many people know it and someone went too often. It happened to me once.

The less people know, the better.

Posted: Fri Aug 07, 2009 12:45 pm
by dr.occa
please do not elaborate or specify locations where you are taking part in "illegal" and "highly dangerous" vehicular related activities.

admin will just inevitably edit or remove your post/thread. it'll be a waste of your dexterous time.

as mentioned above by a fellow and new member: we do not to give the DOT reason to frequent our site for any other reason than as an enthusiast.

-admin (e.g. dr.occa)

thread locked.