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Road Trippin in my AE86
Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 1:38 pm
by AznTKDmstr
Call me crazy, call me whatever. But I'm thinking about driving my ae up to Beloit, Wisconsin during Thanksgiving break to visit some friends. I, personally, think that my car will make it. Yet everyone else tells me not to take it....It's an ~1,140mi drive one way... so I'll be driving around 2,500 miles! Basically a straight shot up I-35.
So in the case that I decide to take it, what do y'all think I should bring with me spare parts/maintenance wise?
Things to bring with me:
[*]Brake fluid
[*]Gear oil
[*]Full spare
[*]Jumper cables
[*]Zip Ties
[*]Spark plugs
[*]Pocket knife
[*]Car phone charger
[*]Tire Goo/Sealer
[*]Brake/carb cleaner
[*]Trash bags
[*]Spare ignitor
Things to do before hand:
[*]Oil change
[*]Check for leaks
[*]Check belts
I'm braindead, so this is all I can think of right now.
Suggestions?? What spare parts should I bring with me?<br /><br />
Modified by AznTKDmstr at 11:50 PM 11/14/2010
Re: Road Trippin in my AE86
Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 2:36 pm
by daveskatesallday
in my car's condition I wouldn't lol
but driving your car your engine feels pretty strong im pretty positive you can make it just make a list of things to check and take with you like you already have above and you should be fine and just look over the whole car and make sure everything is where it should be
someone sent me a vid earlier this year when they were telling me about driving my car to cali for next year and i didn't think it could make it then they sent me a video of a stock largeport coupe driving from somewhere in france or germany all the way to the somewhere in africa (gotta find the vid to be exact) but yea i thought that was crazy and the engine wasn't all decked out it was just stock so it just goes to show the corolla is capable i really want to find that video now though
Re: Road Trippin in my AE86
Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 2:50 pm
by mandm177
get a hitch on your car, and drag a small trailer behind carrying: engine hoist, spare engine, spare tranny :D
might want to bring along easily changed stuff like hoses (radiator/vacuum), spare belts, fuses, and if you have one, maybe a small air tank?
Re: Road Trippin in my AE86
Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 2:54 pm
by mooreofit
just bring your allstate card. free tows ftw.
Re: Road Trippin in my AE86
Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:46 pm
by GamblerZ
I prefer to have a fully loaded toolkit/toolbox for emergencies. Duct tape, electrical tape, super glue and epoxy are some essentials to carry and will certainly save you from lugging spare hoses around. Get yourself a belt repair kit instead of carrying belts as well. You would be surprised how many people carry around a lug wrench that does not fit their application because of aftermarket wheels, small lug hole openings and odd-sized lugs.
However, I think THAT will be the least of your worries. Driving up to Wisconsin for Thanksgiving there is a GOOD chance for inclimate weather like snow, freezing rain or ice. There is nothing worse than breaking down in those conditions. My wife's sister lives in Nebraska and I sweat every time we make the trip for Thanksgiving or Christmas because I worry about the weather. Don't forget to bring things like chemical de-icer, ice scraper and a blanket or two. Chemical hand warmers from Wal-Mart are handy to have as well in the event you are stranded for any length of time without a heater.
Re: Road Trippin in my AE86
Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 5:10 pm
by dr.occa
Yeah, bring your:
- Box of mm wrenches, sockets and ratchet
- Enough oil for a change for your trip back & filter (WIX is your friend) + 2 qts
- 2 extra jugs of pre-mixed coolant
- Floor jack
- Lug nut wrench
- Green Slime
- Air compressor powered by your cig lighter
- Sleeping bag & pillows
Re: Road Trippin in my AE86
Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 7:39 pm
by mooreofit
i got family in croften. my older brother spent a couple years at boys town in omaha.
Re: Road Trippin in my AE86
Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 7:59 pm
by JDMwhiteboy
Dude you saw mine and I drove my POS from dallas to San Ann. just be smart about it and dont race some dbag in a civic on the way there and you should be fine.
Also bring spark pulgs
Re: Road Trippin in my AE86
Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 9:30 pm
by NonStopTuning
DO IT! Godspeed young man!
Re: Road Trippin in my AE86
Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 9:53 pm
by JDMwhiteboy
Oh yea, Zip ties. DO NOT forget these! :D
Re: Road Trippin in my AE86
Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 12:31 am
by daveskatesallday
^ zip ties save lives lol