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Political, Social Topic: Flags - America and others

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 11:20 am
by dr.occa
it's a free country and all but most likely in Palestine you'd be beat if you put a Texas or US flag on your car.

only in America would you not be derided for doing such a thing. for that fact, you should rep the country/state that best protects your freedom not the ones you only goto visit. seems like the only grateful thing to do.

outside of that, flags are only cool when tastefully done. with that in mind, a little goes a long way so maybe use a small flag vinyl in a strategic location on the car. again, i can only recommend the flag representative of the country that has facilitated a 15/16 year old to obtain their favorite car and go drifting in big sanctioned monthly drift events and act a fool in public, goto bad ass rock/metal/emo/hip-hop...whatever concerts, have your choice of any drink in the world for when you get dehydrated from drifting in a non-a/c-ed car in the Texas heat, etc...

of course in the end it's up to you Nasser.

Peace, Love and all that good stuff...
Nasser wrote:the only reason id be looked down upon in Palestine for putting a us flag is because they support isreal and give 2.5 billion american tax dollars every year to them and they are allies with isreal. i do and will always have a soft spot for my homeland because of what has been done over the past 60 years and had lies displayed about us to the media. i have nothing against the us it is an awesome country and i love it. its just that i have a strong love for my back round and family so i will put up a Palestinian flag probably painted on my hood and whoever has anything bad to say to us can choke on my Mongol pipe.
it's understandable to see where you're coming from. you should also analyze yourself as well as the supposed "unbias" reports of such organizations such as your above link. i'm skeptical of either extreme sides.

were the shoe on the other foot (palestine receiving the billions of dollars annually) would you be complaining? the conflict between both religious cultures (that's essentially what it comes down to: deep routed cultural differences) is the biggest cause of friction. you have one culture that has as its method of "conversion" is sentenced death to those unwilling to convert and another group/culture that has applied old testament means of securing land when they no longer have a prophet of God leading them into "a land of milk and honey".

the whole sale slaughter of UNWILLING convertees and the unjust and inhumanity performed (rape, theft, torture and enslavement) on people unaccepting of a particular faith is evil. this cannot be construed as similar to the children of israel being commanded by God in the OT to spare none when lead into battle with civilizations that they were going to replace. in the OT God called Israel to be set apart and not to take on the pagan practices of the surrounding cultures. the eradication of those particular cultures by God's people was a means of isolating Israel as a people set apart for Him not an excuse to meet out cruelty just because they "turned Him down". we could delve more into theology but we can save it for another time.

i'm highly skeptical about "" primarily because of one of its members, former congressman Paul Findley. He claims to be a part of an organization that strives to report the unbiased facts but failed himself to report on the negative truths of Abraham Lincoln in his book "The Crucible of Congress". Lincoln never had a care for the slaves but only used the "Emancipation Proclamation" as a means of demonizing the Southern States in his bid for war against them. He also suspended the writ of habeas corpus as he had arrested and jailed northern newspaper editors and reporters who were attempting to report the truth of his war campaign in superceding the states' rights clearly defined (before his birth) to secede. Lincoln himself was for bigger government and higher taxes which he attached to the high-minded mission of Internal Improvements like highways, canals and coast to coast train transport (the latter failing and only succeeding when in the hands of the private sector). again, i could go on and on about Lincoln the so called Father of Civil Rights but we can save that as well for another time if anyone is interested. Lincoln also was the victim of a "terrorist" act which by some seems to be re-defined as just an outward manifestation of a grievace injustice.

i don't believe the present government truly represensts the US people but best represents the US Lobbyists groups (homosexual groups, atheist groups, oil & power groups, more tax for funding the false "science" of global warming groups, etc... help make up this Lobbyist population). with that said, the flag to me represents my family, neighbors and friends not my president, not my government. The Texas & US flag represents the truly hard working people who literally sacrifice their blood, sweat & tears to make and keep this country truly free and there for great. unfortunately i don't believe that the criteria i just mentioned applies to anyone in the executive, judiciary or legislative (possibly only a handful out of the hundreds in the afore mentioned branches).

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 11:48 am
by Dorikun
That's deep. :|
On the real, I agree with a little. But more so the part about that the flag represents the reppn of the BST. But it's cool to put the Thai Flag on the car too, not cause I've been there but because I have a Thai brother. WooooT!!! :D

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 2:45 pm
by hvguy
Very good jonas. I agree completely. I wonder if putting the rising sun on my corolla again would make me look like a bandwagoner. Although would it be the same over in opposing nations?

But what really burns my biscuits is that this is another "holy" war over religion.

I know people have said this over and over.... but those who are hardcore, and will kill themselves to kill one of the "non believers" should be killed themselves before they get any more innocents. Its kill or be killed. ... 8312745410

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 2:49 pm
by Overdrift
Jonas, this is a excellent thread.

I wanted to have a USA flag on the hood of the celica after hvguy put the rising sun on his corolla. I always ask my Puerto Rican friends why they have a little flag hanging from the rear view mirror, the few I know have told me its a culture and a life style, and they had it in Puerto Rico but they love the USA for the rights you get. All of my Puerto Rican friends have told me they love going to Puerto Rico but would prefer to reside in the US.

When I see the American flag I think about how lucky I am to be in the greatest country in the world.

Re: Political, Social Topic: Flags - America and others

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 3:01 pm
by nt66
dr.occa wrote:it's a free country and all but most likely in Palestine you'd be beat if you put a Texas or US flag on your car.

only in America would you not be derided for doing such a thing. for that fact, you should rep the country/state that best protects your freedom not the ones you only goto visit. seems like the only grateful thing to do.

outside of that, flags are only cool when tastefully done. with that in mind, a little goes a long way so maybe use a small flag vinyl in a strategic location on the car. again, i can only recommend the flag representative of the country that has facilitated a 15/16 year old to obtain their favorite car and go drifting in big sanctioned monthly drift events and act a fool in public, goto bad ass rock/metal/emo/hip-hop...whatever concerts, have your choice of any drink in the world for when you get dehydrated from drifting in a non-a/c-ed car in the Texas heat, etc...

of course in the end it's up to you Nasser.

Peace, Love and all that good stuff...
Nasser wrote:the only reason id be looked down upon in Palestine for putting a us flag is because they support isreal and give 2.5 billion american tax dollars every year to them and they are allies with isreal. i do and will always have a soft spot for my homeland because of what has been done over the past 60 years and had lies displayed about us to the media. i have nothing against the us it is an awesome country and i love it. its just that i have a strong love for my back round and family so i will put up a Palestinian flag probably painted on my hood and whoever has anything bad to say to us can choke on my Mongol pipe.
it's understandable to see where you're coming from. you should also analyze yourself as well as the supposed "unbias" reports of such organizations such as your above link. i'm skeptical of either extreme sides.

were the shoe on the other foot (palestine receiving the billions of dollars annually) would you be complaining? the conflict between both religious cultures (that's essentially what it comes down to: deep routed cultural differences) is the biggest cause of friction. you have one culture that has as its method of "conversion" is sentenced death to those unwilling to convert and another group/culture that has applied old testament means of securing land when they no longer have a prophet of God leading them into "a land of milk and honey".

the whole sale slaughter of UNWILLING convertees and the unjust and inhumanity performed (rape, theft, torture and enslavement) on people unaccepting of a particular faith is evil. this cannot be construed as similar to the children of israel being commanded by God in the OT to spare none when lead into battle with civilizations that they were going to replace. in the OT God called Israel to be set apart and not to take on the pagan practices of the surrounding cultures. the eradication of those particular cultures by God's people was a means of isolating Israel as a people set apart for Him not an excuse to meet out cruelty just because they "turned Him down". we could delve more into theology but we can save it for another time.

i'm highly skeptical about "" primarily because of one of its members, former congressman Paul Findley. He claims to be a part of an organization that strives to report the unbiased facts but failed himself to report on the negative truths of Abraham Lincoln in his book "The Crucible of Congress". Lincoln never had a care for the slaves but only used the "Emancipation Proclamation" as a means of demonizing the Southern States in his bid for war against them. He also suspended the writ of habeas corpus as he had arrested and jailed northern newspaper editors and reporters who were attempting to report the truth of his war campaign in superceding the states' rights clearly defined (before his birth) to secede. Lincoln himself was for bigger government and higher taxes which he attached to the high-minded mission of Internal Improvements like highways, canals and coast to coast train transport (the latter failing and only succeeding when in the hands of the private sector). again, i could go on and on about Lincoln the so called Father of Civil Rights but we can save that as well for another time if anyone is interested. Lincoln also was the victim of a "terrorist" act which by some seems to be re-defined as just an outward manifestation of a grievace injustice.

i don't believe the present government truly represensts the US people but best represents the US Lobbyists groups (homosexual groups, atheist groups, oil & power groups, more tax for funding the false "science" of global warming groups, etc... help make up this Lobbyist population). with that said, the flag to me represents my family, neighbors and friends not my president, not my government. The Texas & US flag represents the truly hard working people who literally sacrifice their blood, sweat & tears to make and keep this country truly free and there for great. unfortunately i don't believe that the criteria i just mentioned applies to anyone in the executive, judiciary or legislative (possibly only a handful out of the hundreds in the afore mentioned branches).

lol you just got jonas owned

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 4:11 am
by Nasser
uhm actually not jonas is entitled to his opinion ive been here and know from first hand experience not some knowledge that the media displays terrorist this and that they only show 1 side of the conflict. it is not so much a religious conflict their are Christian and Muslim villages that have been here from before and jews lived side by side for hundreds of years with the Palestinians. the conflict started when Zionism had began which goes completley against the teachings of their holy book the Torah. in the Torah it states that jews are an exile by god and they are forbid to have a land of their own. having that said it started a big conflict between the Muslim Palestinians the Christian Palestinians and the orthodox jews. their was over 30 Palestinian massacres where they had nearly everyone in the village and burned it. they would bulldoze our homes and take away our permits to build homes and built Jewish only settlements on Palestinian land. then they would offer us peace treaties on small portions of land where the living condition was so poor that it would cause us to move out. now in the small percent of our own land we have is blocked off by a so called wall of peace. in that process they have nearly taken 90% of OUR land. keep in mind they are the ones who started the conflict invaded our land and took over. we never stepped out and did anything and so they start to fight back defending their selves and we get called terrorists. the thing that discusts me it that this is what our tax dollars are going to. their are many orthodox jews in Newyork and isreal who protest for the dismantlement of isreal so that way the jews Muslims and Christians can once again live peacefully together. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" ... ram><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" ... ram><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=" ... ram><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 7:52 pm
by dr.occa
i do take pity on the innocent being victimized. but the israely have the same amount if innocent victims too also caught in the firestorm.

i'm not at all attempting to negate your opposition or devalue your stance and concerns Nasser for your heritage home country and its people.

wasn't it that the palestine region was in the process of being setup for a jewish homeland by british mandate? and then didn't apprehension on the part of some of the european countries as well as the us in regards to great britains intentions halt progress which later was handed over to the UN post WWII? then the suggested partitioning of palestine was violently rejected by the the arab leaders involved in the process where as the participating jewish heads were accepting of it. the violent reaction of the arab leaders along with the surrounding arab states was met with return fire by the israely military which then lead to what we call the arab-israeli war.

so according to historical reports, the arab community fired the first shot. in spite of the probability that the partitioning may have leaned towards benefiting the israeli interest, starting a fight over a disagreement is bound to start a brawl. also, from past historical commentators, a great proportion of the arab community that lived in the palestinian region at the time were displaced arabic nationals faced with the possibility of again being displaced by the on-going and unsettled land appropriation. of course tensions are raised with the indecisiveness on the part of both sides in settling the region.

the only way peace could ever occur is someone capitulating. it doesn't look like anyone will and matters have worsened because now everyone is involved when innocent lives are taken on the part of both sides.

i don't believe one sides crimes negate the crimes of the other side. if it is a substantiated fact (and there's a good deal of historical periodicals to support this) the arabic leadership and involved states did respond with initiating violence in expressing their displeasure with the agreement and surmounting frustration with the affair, it's possible, they may carry the majority of the blame with losing their patience and bringing about a war by, again repeating that adage, "firing the first shot".

usually the initiator of a fight is the one primarily to blame for instigating the ensuing violence. i'm making these observations based on how even we as individuals would be justifiably found in the wrong just because someone didn't agree with us and resorted to expressing our pent up frustration with them by throwing a punch at their face.

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 6:49 am
by Nasser
for every 3 Arabs killed 1 israeli is killed i would like to clarify that for you. it was the Egyptians who had fired the first shot and went to war reason being is because u have to look back at the 1967 6 day war we were defeated by israel who had started the war during that time my grandparents were kicked out into Lebanon and our land was stolen but my family fled back to here at night crossing the boarder and settled about 5 min from it in a village called mazra where i currently am. the Sinai Peninsula, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, eastern Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights were stolen during the 6 day war and is owned by israell now and we felt that we had been humiliated and dishonored and we were certainly not going to give any more land up which is why president Nasser had made the decision to fire the first shot of the Arab-israeli war. president Jamal Abdel Nasser and the surrounding allies of Egypt had been provoked by israel. the west bank was once land that belonged to jordan israel had attacked a village called samua demolished 80 homes killed 13 officers and 3 innocent civilians and stole the land. and the Jordanian policy makers did not want war and it was done for no reason at all. they had also provoked Syria they went in with armored tractors in the demilitarized zone and in that moment shots were fired from the golan heights and isreali soldiers had been waiting purposely to take not that the first shots were fired from them and in half an hour the whole area was on fire. about 80% of the incidents between the two were started by israel. a wall has been built 2 times higher than the burlin wall and 4 times longer the war has not ended for the Palestinian people because they still suffer up until this day and cannot go to their jobs and have had land stolen from them and are blocked off into the west bank by the wall of "peace" the land will one day belong to us once again and not only that but we will have the bastards humiliated and let them burn in the fire they started.

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2008 1:09 pm
by dr.occa
Nasser wrote:for every 3 Arabs killed 1 israeli is killed i would like to clarify that for you. it was the Egyptians who had fired the first shot and went to war reason being is because u have to look back at the 1967 6 day war we were defeated by israel who had started the war during that time my grandparents were kicked out into Lebanon and our land was stolen but my family fled back to here at night crossing the boarder and settled about 5 min from it in a village called mazra where i currently am. the Sinai Peninsula, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, eastern Jerusalem, and the Golan Heights were stolen during the 6 day war and is owned by israell now and we felt that we had been humiliated and dishonored and we were certainly not going to give any more land up which is why president Nasser had made the decision to fire the first shot of the Arab-israeli war. president Jamal Abdel Nasser and the surrounding allies of Egypt had been provoked by israel. the west bank was once land that belonged to jordan israel had attacked a village called samua demolished 80 homes killed 13 officers and 3 innocent civilians and stole the land. and the Jordanian policy makers did not want war and it was done for no reason at all. they had also provoked Syria they went in with armored tractors in the demilitarized zone and in that moment shots were fired from the golan heights and isreali soldiers had been waiting purposely to take not that the first shots were fired from them and in half an hour the whole area was on fire. about 80% of the incidents between the two were started by israel. a wall has been built 2 times higher than the burlin wall and 4 times longer the war has not ended for the Palestinian people because they still suffer up until this day and cannot go to their jobs and have had land stolen from them and are blocked off into the west bank by the wall of "peace" the land will one day belong to us once again and not only that but we will have the bastards humiliated and let them burn in the fire they started.
i honestly am led to believe you're only arguing from a biased position on this nasser and receiving most if not all your information just from one side. it appears also that you may be receiving re-written history to garner sympathizers to justify any past, present and future crimes of the palestinian "resistance".

with your last sentence, you no longer seem to be about just deeds but about revenge, payback and death. and essentially the proper response for any sense of "dishonor" or "disrespect" is to send a violent message. you and i are going to have to agree to disagree on that. initiating violence is not the righteous thing to do but maybe maintaining righteousness isn't a primary concern but maintaining "pride" and ego is.

innocent blood is the sacrifice offering for the sin of pride on both sides but more so for those who continue to worship at the altar of pride.

placing pride on a pedestal will always bring death. aaaaaaall waaaaaaaaays.

"those who live by the sword shall die by the sword." the key word in that quote is that the sword is the saviour and answer for all "problems". if anyone lives by that maxim, expect to die at the hands of a stronger hand wielding a stronger sword because you won't stay strong forever. there is always someone(s) who will or is stronger and better than you.

humility and humbleness is far wiser and honorable a character than nursing a wounded pride.

and just keep in mind, treaties are meant to be kept by both sides honorably despite who gets more than the other if that's the case.

weakness is a man who needs a gun to make others follow and respect him.

unfortunately, we'll just have to leave this discussion where it is.

the only way to see a just path through the problem in israel & palestine is to not return evil for evil and no how you as an individual are NOT to conduct your own dealings with others.

i'll go ahead and lock this thread. i believe we'll only go round and round with the same responses.

a heart of forgiveness beats stronger than a heart of resentment.

our deeds and acts with men, women and children should be tempered by sacrificial love even if it means we go with less so long as our conscience is void of offence towards the Eternal and towards men.

may peace and love visit your homes everyone.
