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weber 32/36 aggravation

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 7:26 pm
by B.Lane 88.
Hey guys I am attempting to use a weber 32/36 on my 7ac and I could use some help from some with experience with these darn things.
I have been using the carb for a while but If I let the car sit with out running for more than a day or two it starts to flood out.

I have taken the carb apart pulled every jet and removable piece out of it let it sit in a vat of carb cleaner over night rebuilt it put a kit in it and a new power valve but it still keeps happening.

It starts dripping from the secondary and from there it just gets worse and worse until the car will no longer
run and carb is just over flowing.

I know that with the crappy ethanol in gas you cant let the car sit around without running it but it should be able to sit for at least a week I would think.

If anyone has had this problem or knows what part may be defective please let me know this is really starting to get old.

Re: weber 32/36 aggravation

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 9:06 pm
by joel26
Maybe Jonas can help you out...

Re: weber 32/36 aggravation

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 9:26 pm
by mooreofit
im not familiar with those webers at all but it sounds like the needle and seat is not cuting off the unneeded fuel flow the float bowl.

sorry i cant be of more help. jonas should be here soon.

Re: weber 32/36 aggravation

Posted: Thu Oct 07, 2010 9:51 pm
by B.Lane 88.
mooreofit wrote:im not familiar with those webers at all but it sounds like the needle and seat is not cuting off the unneeded fuel flow the float bowl.

sorry i cant be of more help. jonas should be here soon.
Thats just it, If I take the top of the carb off and turn it over with the fuel pump on nothing gets past the needle and you can just barely tap your finger on the float when you have it off and it cuts the fuel supply so I dont think that is whats wrong. Thats why im so puzzled but thank you for your input man. I hope Jonas can enlighten me that man is a miracle worker when it comes to corollas.

Re: weber 32/36 aggravation

Posted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 1:41 pm
by dr.occa
Sorry I just now saw this Bobby. I don't about miracle worker but I appreciate it ya'll.

I don't know if it's necessarily the carb. Just to make sure, double check you have the dizzy stabbed in properly and the ignition parts are in good working order i.e. the rotor, cap, wires, etc...I'm bringing this up because it seems like you've got a good deal of unburnt standing fuel.

After you've got your timing set properly there's an enrichment port on the secondary side of the 32/36. When you remove the carb top, flip it on its back and you'll see it (remember which side is the secondary side ;)). Seal it off how ever you please. Some epoxy (make sure it resists fuel and other chemicals) will do or if you want a less permanent fix, others have fit an appropriately sized toothpick to insert into the passage where the tip of the toothpick then inserted into the enrichment fitting attached to the underside of the carb top. Here's an illustration borrowed from the BMW 02 gents:

It's also important to get your jetting in and your idle mixture and speed adjusted properly. Ballpark jetting for either a 1.6 or 1.8 would be:

Primary Idle: 55
Primary Main: 135
Primary Air: 140 (170 if you don't block of the enrichment port)

Secondary Idle: 45
Secondary Main: 160
Secondary Air: 165

Just for starters.

Re: weber 32/36 aggravation

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2010 5:41 pm
by mbehrens
thought i add my two cents this may not be the case but some times the float will actually have a small crack and gas can find any hole before anything else (ex. water) lol... but anyways take the floats and put them submerged 3/4 ways and see if they can stay a float with out sinking if they sink then its filling with gas and if that happens in the bowl the niddle will be wide open ... usually when i rebuild a carb i always check the floats that way ... you be suprised how many floats are acutally bad ... thats just my two cents though ...

Re: weber 32/36 aggravation

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 3:17 pm
by B.Lane 88.
Hey everyone sorry I wasn't trying to neglect this thread but my computer was down all last week :(. I think that I may have found the problem here are some pictures of it Imagethe screw that you can see in this pic had two tears in the brass it looked like it may have had holes there but the part had gotten bent and ripped them open so I sodddered them shut and the car seems to be doing good now .<a Image> Here is a pic of what I actually did sorry its a bit blurry. If it stops working again I am going to so what Jonas suggested ill just have to wait and see if the problem comes back.
Thank you guys for all of the help and input its much appreciated :).

Re: weber 32/36 aggravation

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 1:55 pm
by dr.occa
Hey Bobby, the idle jet has a split "skirt". If the jet is damaged you'll be able to tell by jagged cracks.

Here's what the idle jets look like for the 32/36 (and other carbs that share them):

Re: weber 32/36 aggravation

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 6:24 pm
by B.Lane 88.
Thank you sir that is indeed the problem. Ill order me a new one from weber tonight so it wont have to be ghetto :]

Re: weber 32/36 aggravation

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 11:12 pm
by Mikey
i f-bombing hate dgv's