stock 4ag bluetop cold startup not revving up
Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2012 11:48 am
Ok sooooo I have 1 injector that I discovered was leaking, and going to fix that as soon as the o-rings and stuff come in. Before noticing that I have tried my spare MAF, spare throttle body (with the wax valve attached still), full of coolant fully bled of air, full of oil, different ECU, and i'm not 100% sure if that one leaking injector could keep it from revving up to the 2k mark. I've tried to do some research, but only find threads about why it's revving up.... not why it DOESN'T rev up haha. what else could I try? coolant temp sensor? All the wiring is good, or at least it seems to be. The car will rev up if you hit the throttle. The leak is not horrible, but it is leaking. Will loss of fuel pressure with that cause it to not raise the rpms?
if this doens't make a lot of sense I'll try again later, but the only thing I have not tried yet is the coolant temp sensor, but everything worked when the engine was in my other car. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated now that I believe I have a fuse box! haha All the testing was done with a GOOD fuse box as well. Just not sure what to check currently as I'm running out of ideas. Also it's running stupid rich and idling at 900 RPMs when cold, and obviously will run rich until it warms up since the idle is well... low from what it should be on a cold startup.
if this doens't make a lot of sense I'll try again later, but the only thing I have not tried yet is the coolant temp sensor, but everything worked when the engine was in my other car. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated now that I believe I have a fuse box! haha All the testing was done with a GOOD fuse box as well. Just not sure what to check currently as I'm running out of ideas. Also it's running stupid rich and idling at 900 RPMs when cold, and obviously will run rich until it warms up since the idle is well... low from what it should be on a cold startup.