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20v silver top swap

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 9:38 pm
by landslideATX
hey guys, i have a question. my friend has a second gen mr2 with a silver top 20v. he is going to be getting a new motor in a few months and i was going to pick up his old one and replace the rod bearings and whatever els needs to and then drop it in my corolla. what does it take to do that and what do i need to do the swap? i was thinking i just needed the center part of the motor, the block and head and stuff. can i use my 4age trany and everything els? what els do i need for the swap. thanks.

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 6:38 pm
by landslideATX
will i have to change the mounts and stuff also, or does it just drop right in?

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 6:42 pm
water line routing/front mount dizzy/etc.

look on PASSRacing or silk road for the kits

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 7:09 pm
by landslideATX
ok ok, i started looking around and found out alot about it. now what i need is to find someone that is in the austin area and can help me out with it. anyone?

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2008 11:27 pm
by landslideATX
what motors will swap into the ae86 w/0 swapping the motor mounts and stuff? my friend told me not to go with a 2ov due to them having a lot of problems.

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 3:01 pm
by dr.occa
i don't know about "lots" of problems but just custom fabrication/ aftermarket support makes it expensive and time consuming.

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 3:34 pm
by landslideATX
can i use the botom end of a 16v and the top of a 20 to keep from having to make the flanges for the header?

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 5:05 pm
20 bottom and 16v head

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 12:59 am
by landslideATX
CBR_TOY wrote:20 bottom and 16v head
what will that do for me? as to doing the full 2ov swap? pro/con

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 1:57 pm
like the doc it's gonna be a 1620, have around 10.5:1, and you can use the stock int/ex manifold.

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 2:54 pm
by dr.occa
CBR_TOY wrote:like the doc it's gonna be a 1620, have around 10.5:1, and you can use the stock int/ex manifold.
most likely closer to like 10.9:1

taken from club4ag
oldeskewltoy wrote:

ASSUMPTION - 10.3 to 1 + the .8 hg = 10.7~ The silvertop slugs are higher compression then the 16V, I have little doubt the crown volume is more with a 20V slug then the 16V slug. In all likely hood you are very close to 11 to 1.

Good to kinda know... yours is now the third 4AG that I know of planting almost 120 at the wheels... ALL have compression ratios above 10.75 to 1.

Yours (by guessing) has the lowest compression and the higest hp... theirs are still using stock cams but are both at or slightly above 11 to 1.

I'm beginning to hypothesize the 4AG awakens as you approach the 11 to 1 commpression ratio, the problem is getting ignition correct. My two friends have timing somewhat adjusted to run on stock ecu.

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 9:56 pm
by pecx
Ok here's the list for the cheapest way
1.engine bracket from bluetop need to be modify (grind some part out; easy)
2. cut/bang the firewall or front mount dizzy kit becasue 20v has dizzy on the rear
3. reroute the water outlet ( drill the head and block the outlet) use 16v water pump
4. 16v tranny work but you need pilot bearing (20v that come with auto tranny doesnt come with the pilot bearing)
5. you can use 16v flywheel with 16v clutch kit or 20v flywheel (220 mm )with redtop clutch kit (220mm)
6. oil pressure sensor from 16v
7. wiring, 20v ecu, all sensors, coil, inigtion system
8. 20v use Mass Air flow so if you want to open your ITB you need to find the way.
9. 20 v o2 sensor (3wires) 16v sensor doesnt work
10. Japanese manual recommended 1jz fuel pump for 20v

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 9:59 pm
by pecx
you use 16v motor mount block are the same there a pin on the block that need to be removed/ grind off. and the alternator bracket need to grind out becasue it hit the timing belt tensioner.
landslideATX wrote:what motors will swap into the ae86 w/0 swapping the motor mounts and stuff? my friend told me not to go with a 2ov due to them having a lot of problems.

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 10:02 pm
by landslideATX
pecx wrote:Ok here's the list for the cheapest way
1.engine bracket from bluetop need to be modify (grind some part out; easy)
2. cut/bang the firewall or front mount dizzy kit becasue 20v has dizzy on the rear
3. reroute the water outlet ( drill the head and block the outlet) use 16v water pump
4. 16v tranny work but you need pilot bearing (20v that come with auto tranny doesnt come with the pilot bearing)
5. you can use 16v flywheel with 16v clutch kit or 20v flywheel (220 mm )with redtop clutch kit (220mm)
6. oil pressure sensor from 16v
7. wiring, 20v ecu, all sensors
8. 20v use Mass Air flow so if you want to open your ITB you need to find the way.

so i will be able to use the 16v flywheel and clutch, cause i have a stage 3 clutch and 9lb flywheel sitting in the box still. is there somwhere i can find pictures and stuff on how to do this?

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 10:09 pm
by pecx
Yes you can use 16v clutch but you need 16v flywheel too.
What picture you want to see?
I can take some picture when I have time.