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My 4AC lives, but I have questions

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 4:23 pm
by BlackStar
These are from another site, I am coping and pasting

yes, it lives! however, i am still worried. It first was pumping out white ehaxust smoke(however, it is going away),, and I noticed the same smoke coming form the engine bay, burning off oil? I check the fluids and there is no mixing. and the valves need to be adjusted(super diesel sounding). besides that, it holds a strong idle.

edit, the exhuast smoke is gone, i think its just burning off oil from the build?(on the outside? I'm going to adjust the valves anyways

adjusted the valves, much quieter. now i can hear other engine noise. I do have to keep in mind, i haven't ever heard a 4AC, never in person, so I have no clue what noise is normal, and what isn't. I think i might be running to thin of oil though. The gauge in the car is reading blow half way(in the middle of halfway actually).

I am hearing an odd engine noise though. not consistent, comes and goes every couple of second. Sounds like it from the head, like something is loose? Not a Knock though, I hope.

Re: My 4AC lives, but I have questions

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 4:45 pm
by BlackStar
I might have figured out my oil pressure/level/whatever problem. I am simply running to thin of an oil for my location, I should e using 10w-40 or so, and only about 4 quarts(3.5 according to haynes) Goofed on that. till then, I wont be starting the car. The break in oil did serve is purpose, could very well be the reason for the noisy head.