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I need some advice.

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 9:08 am
by David_McBadass
Hey guys, I'm in the need for some money making advice. I'm having a really hard time finding a job, and I'd like to know if anyone has any tips for me. I'm down for anything LEGAL. I've had enough experience with illegal crap. But really, I'm in a very difficult time in my life, I'm still in high school, but I already have to take care of myself, and it's not easy when nobody seems to want to hire you. Any advice would be awesome. Please help.
Thanks. :mrgreen:

Re: I need some advice.

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 10:04 am
by dr.occa
David, consider eating some crow and pick up a grunt job at a machine shop or engine building shop and possibly learn that trade as an apprentice. You can study for your GED in the mean time.

An actual trade skill is very valuable especially when it comes to mechanics. Apply yourself to whatever you do. Apply yourself. Be grateful for every day you're given and apply yourself to the job at hand. You have to be alive and in good health to enjoy the life you're given.

Re: I need some advice.

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 11:39 am
by GamblerZ
I am a little confused here. I see you inquiring about several cars for sale here on the site, but it sounds as if you don't have a job and money is a pressing issue for you. Is this correct? Do you still live at home, but are required to take care of your own personal needs and expenses (ie. gasoline, insurance, lunch money, COD-BOII)?

Re: I need some advice.

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 8:47 pm
by JDM AE86
if your in houston and willing to work I can give you a small helper job in laport. We are only talking $10hr.ish

Re: I need some advice.

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 11:20 pm
by mandm177
funded my way through high school and college working as a Domino's Pizza delivery driver.

You cant find work at a fast food joint, grocery store, or some retail store? i find that kind of hard to believe...

Re: I need some advice.

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 10:16 am
by David_McBadass
dr.occa: Thank you for the advice man, and I"m gonna start looking for more jobs like that.
GamblerZ: Yes I have been doing that with no money, but for the most part I'm just trying to see whats available and see who's in a hurry to sell the car, or if anyone's willing to hold something for me. I do live at home, and all my mom pays for is food for about a month, and the rest I have to figure out on my own.
JDM AE86: I am in houston, but what kind of hours are we talking about?
mandm177: I know it's really hard to believe, it doesn't make sense to me either, but everywhere I apply, whenever I check up on my application, I'm always told,"WE'LL call YOU." "We already have a full staff" or something along the lines of,"We don't need you"

Re: I need some advice.

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 12:04 pm
by GamblerZ
Keep in mind that your mom is not just paying for food, but you also have a roof over your head and the utilities are paid. I don't know what your home life is, but take a moment to thank her with something as simple as a card of flowers (BTW, you can find cheap cards at the Dollar Store and cheap flowers[no roses] can be had at most grocery stores). You may be surprised. Nevertheless, your present situation is better than most people. I understand that you are young and you want a little extra scratch in your pocket to do things that YOU want to do. But, before you can do that you may have to make some sacrifices. I have seen 20-somethings run around looking baller with the cars, the watches, the clothes, the bling, and so on, but the reality is that they were financing their lifestyle with credit (read: borrowed money). Many of them have since filed for personal bankruptcy and their balling days are over.

Things to know:

1. A car is the WORST "investment" you can ever make. Ask yourself this, "Do I NEED a car, or do I NEED transportation?"

2. Housing is typically your single largest expense. This also includes insurance (renters or homeowners), utilities, and...wait for

3. Do not deal in inventory. It is something you have to commit money in the hopes you can sell it later at a profit.

4. Lastly, differentiate what is a "need" versus a "want".


-Video games
-Cell phone
-Subscriptions (including Internet)

If you are looking for ways to earn and save, you probably need to consider making some pretty tough choices. You can start with ones I've mentioned above. That all said, you should consider a job that deals in cash if you want to do something right away on your own. Things like auto detailing, mowing lawns, hanging Christmas lights, trimming trees, painting houses, all can probably be done in your neighborhood. Otherwise, as already mentioned above, get involved as an apprentice working somewhere to learn a skill (preferably something you enjoy). Find yourself a good mentor. There is no education that can be a substitute for actual work experience. I have many friends who have only completed high school but have become very successful in their lives. What was their secret? They were willing to work, and work hard without complaint. Commit yourself to the task and give yourself to the job.

Good luck with your endeavors.

Re: I need some advice.

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 2:26 pm
by dr.occa
^Hear hear.

Re: I need some advice.

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 4:22 pm
by 86boy
GamblerZ wrote:Keep in mind that your mom is not just paying for food, but you also have a roof over your head and the utilities are paid. I don't know what your home life is, but take a moment to thank her with something as simple as a card of flowers (BTW, you can find cheap cards at the Dollar Store and cheap flowers[no roses] can be had at most grocery stores). You may be surprised. Nevertheless, your present situation is better than most people. I understand that you are young and you want a little extra scratch in your pocket to do things that YOU want to do. But, before you can do that you may have to make some sacrifices. I have seen 20-somethings run around looking baller with the cars, the watches, the clothes, the bling, and so on, but the reality is that they were financing their lifestyle with credit (read: borrowed money). Many of them have since filed for personal bankruptcy and their balling days are over.

Things to know:

1. A car is the WORST "investment" you can ever make. Ask yourself this, "Do I NEED a car, or do I NEED transportation?"

2. Housing is typically your single largest expense. This also includes insurance (renters or homeowners), utilities, and...wait for

3. Do not deal in inventory. It is something you have to commit money in the hopes you can sell it later at a profit.

4. Lastly, differentiate what is a "need" versus a "want".


-Video games
-Cell phone
-Subscriptions (including Internet)

If you are looking for ways to earn and save, you probably need to consider making some pretty tough choices. You can start with ones I've mentioned above. That all said, you should consider a job that deals in cash if you want to do something right away on your own. Things like auto detailing, mowing lawns, hanging Christmas lights, trimming trees, painting houses, all can probably be done in your neighborhood. Otherwise, as already mentioned above, get involved as an apprentice working somewhere to learn a skill (preferably something you enjoy). Find yourself a good mentor. There is no education that can be a substitute for actual work experience. I have many friends who have only completed high school but have become very successful in their lives. What was their secret? They were willing to work, and work hard without complaint. Commit yourself to the task and give yourself to the job.

Good luck with your endeavors.

haha I did my time driving a crappy BMW (don't let the car fool you it looked like a christmas tree from my attempting to fix it), and doing crappy jobs... struggled through high school/college. i'm just starting to get close to the baller status. Only "debt" I have is my student loans.... LOL I like to think I did good so far. minus the having no credit... that kinda sucks as I don't have credit cards or anything else like that.

Re: I need some advice.

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 4:48 pm
by GamblerZ
Actually, your student loan payments go toward your credit score and are an EXCELLENT indicator of your ability to repay.

Re: I need some advice.

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 9:30 pm
by mandm177
GamblerZ wrote:Actually, your student loan payments go toward your credit score and are an EXCELLENT indicator of your ability to repay.
i'd have to say it depends....

When i was underwriting consumer retail loans for Harley Davidson, we didnt even consider student loans.

Granted, it does affect your overall FICO, it would depend on the financial institution's policies and procedures on if they'd count that as "good credit" or if they'd count it at all.

I believe it has to do with the many structures and complexity that student loans can take, and it can't easily be tied to your ability to repay like a conventional loan or credit cards can.

Re: I need some advice.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 8:50 am
by David_McBadass
GamblerZ: Dude, like, no sarcasm, thank you, because I wasn't thinking about all that. I should appreciate my mother more because she does keep a roof over my head, and keep me fed. I might sound like I wasn't listening, but I feel like I do need my own transportation. I live in Houston right now, but once I graduate, I plan on going to UNT, and with what time I do have off, I'd like to be able to go where I want without having to rely on other people, because we all know that there are alot of selfish people in the world, and they might not want to take me back to my home, and my mom. I know there are probably better solutions to that issue, but I just dislike relying on other people. I've done it all my life, and not everyone is always going to do what they say. I'm sure I just sound like a stubborn kid, but I don't know, I really just want to be able to get myself where I need to go, when I need to get there. Does that make any sense, or do I just sound stupid?

Re: I need some advice.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 9:04 am
by dr.occa
Sounds like you want to take more responsibility for yourself. That's great.

Find a part time job at a garage you like even if it's grunt work. You're making plans to attend University of North Texas, is that correct?

Re: I need some advice.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 10:12 am
by David_McBadass
That is correct. And right now I have an application to Discount Tire Co. My brother works at NTB at the moment, and he says he hates it for some reason. Does working at a garage suck sometimes? Cause any other time he's working on someone's car he seems to love it.

Re: I need some advice.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2012 10:41 am
by dr.occa
Working in any field has aspects that people dislike. What determines one's appreciation for one's job/work is their motivation. If it's purely for personal gains, self-satisfaction, self-serving ends, then aspects of the job that aren't self satisfying, self-serving, etc...will make the job very unpleasant. If one understands their job from a humble perspective and that it's usually to provide a channel of being beneficial to and meeting the needs of others and the like then the less "attractive" portions of a job will be seen as part and partial to the main goal of providing a service that others want/need to assist in their day-to-day.