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4agze 7mgte ignitor wiring

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 11:45 pm
by 86boy
There are following wires for the 4A-GZE Igniter

IGt -
IGd (AE101 IGa)

On the 7M-GTE Igniter, use the following wires and connect as indicated below, to the 4A-GZE AE92 and AE101 OEM ECU.

IGf (LG-B) = IGf (To EFI)
IGt (LG) = IGt (To EFI)
IGda (L-B) = IGd (AE101 IGa ) (To EFI)
IGdb (L-W) = not used
IG1 (L-R) = G1 (Coil 1 Trigger)
IG2 (L-Y) = G2 (Coil 2 Trigger)
IG3 (Y) = not used
+B (B-O) = +B (Coil Common)
IG- (B) = TAC (Tachometer & Diagnosis Connector)

Ok I found this.. but this doesn't help me out a whole lot... mainly because I have nooooo clue what wire is the IGt - or IGd or IGf etc etc... Soooooooooooo if anyone would like to explain or let me know the wire colors that would be awesome. I noticed in the GZE harness there was 2 Black with Orange 1 Black with Red 1 Black and 1 Black with white. I think the only one I know is the TAC which is for the tachometer. The small 2 pin plug looked like it had 2 black wires.

I'll attempt to get the connector with the 7mgte ignitor as well... but we'll see. Since I can not seem to source the OEM ignitor for the 4agze since I have the DLI and MAP version.

also found this as well... so I'm guessing I'll have to use IG2 for Coil 1 Trigger and IG3 for Coil 2 Trigger. Taka Aono sent me a message back and He said that you just have to change 2 wires, but lost his diagram with what went to what.

Re: 4agze 7mgte ignitor wiring

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 7:59 am
by dr.occa
Here's a great reference page from C4AG.

Looks pretty straight forward. Where are you confused?

Re: 4agze 7mgte ignitor wiring

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 8:37 am
by 86boy
hahahahahaha well... I wrote down the PIN numbers what color and what they went to.... when I was going through everything making sure that THIS WIRE went to THAT SPOT haha. son of a..... hahahahaha thought I wrote all of it down. guess not. well chalk that up for a fail on my part!

I knew the link at first I wondered... wth is he posting this for? then i looked again. oh hey look there's the IGt IGd blah blah blah. I'll post a picture of my "Box diagram" LOL *facepalm hardcore* well thanks for that Dr. Occa. I guess I've looked at one to many wires lately.

Re: 4agze 7mgte ignitor wiring

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 8:46 am
by dr.occa
86boy wrote:... I guess I've looked at one to many wires lately.

Yeah, not only do wires get crossed, sometimes eyes do too. ;)

Seriously though, if you still need a second set of eyes let me know.

Re: 4agze 7mgte ignitor wiring

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 9:09 am
by 86boy
Werd! I think I found a 7mgte for $40.... so we'll see

So you have a second pair of eyes? If you could overnight ship those that would be awesome hahaha

Re: 4agze 7mgte ignitor wiring

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 1:42 pm
by dr.occa
Here's a picture I threw together to help better illustrate what you're working with.
7mgte-igniter-connectors.png (542.77 KiB) Viewed 4147 times
If the wire colors don't line up with the numbering scheme then it's the mirror view.

Re: 4agze 7mgte ignitor wiring

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 1:48 pm
by 86boy
You sir are he man! Thanks for the diagram! Every little bit helps

Re: 4agze 7mgte ignitor wiring

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 7:33 pm
by 86boy
That's kinda funny those wire colors on the coil you have don't match what I have lol

Re: 4agze 7mgte ignitor wiring

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 8:12 pm
by 86boy
following your same picture diagram and numbers... this is what I have. so my question is... are the pins still the same inside? the part number I have is toyota #: 89620-14446 denso #: 13160-1063

6 pin.

1. looks faded brown
2. Blue
3. Black
4. Yellow
5. empty
6. Green

4 pin.

1. pink
2. gray
3. white
4. faded brown

the wire colors you have are from a 89621-30020 ignitor from a Supra 1997.09-1998.08 the ignitor I have is an older version? from a 92 supra which I did not get a connector with it... oh joy! this just another funtastic piece to do.... fml *facepalm*

edit: I think I finally found it!

purpose / designation / color on igniter / color on wiring loom
signal, igniter -> ecu:/ IGt - / RED / black
signal, ecu -> igniter:/ IGf / GREY / black&yellow
IGd (AE101 IGa) / WHITE /black&orange
battery:/ +B / BROWN / black&orange bigger
tacho:/ TAC / YELLOW / black

coil1:/ IG1 / BLUE / black&blue
coil2:/ IG2 / BLACK / black

cleaned up so it's easier to read..


Re: 4agze 7mgte ignitor wiring

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 1:44 am
by 86boy
Alright so I'm not getting spark from what I could see....but I also had someone who was scared to hold the key in the start position..... so we'll see tomorrow.

Re: 4agze 7mgte ignitor wiring

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2012 1:42 pm
by 86boy
So I have no spark on any cylinder. Igniter is getting power coils getting power but not getting a signal. So I've narrowed it down to the IGt IGd IGDa or IG1 IG2 on the CAS..... anyone know of some testing procedures. Oh and the igniter is grounded as well

Re: 4agze 7mgte ignitor wiring

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2012 9:37 am
by 86boy
OK I have power all the way up to the coil packs. Just seems like they won't discharge.