So, the good news is the car is home, it's running, and it's even inspected. Motor feels great, especially over 4k.
Here she is passing inspection.
Engine has been broken in, rings seated, and 200 mile oil change has been preformed. The fans have been wired up with a switch and relays, the gauges and warning lights are wired up, along with the battery cutoff.
Here you can see the fan switch (silver toggle), battery cutoff, warning lights, and gauges:
There's also a mini fuse box for all this hidden in the ash tray.
The booty HVAC panel was well past it, so we sourced a new one along with replacement knobs. The stupid brass Autometer adapter for the oil pressure sender failed under the weight of the big Autometer sender, so it had to be moved to the oil pump. The alternator was bad, so that was replaced with a re-manufactured item:
The taillights were full of water, which explains why the brake fuse was blown, which explains why the brake lights weren't working. Love when it's this simple to diagnose a problem.
The not-so-good news is the heater core was cracked, so it's been looped for now. Also, there's a fault or loose wire on that funky fuse box you can see above that requires you to give it a firm tap before the car will start (WTF?). Plus, the fuel damper has sprung a leak, the clutch slave cylinder is worn, and the fuel filter needs to be moved back towards the firewall (previous owner must have yanked the hardlines). Luckily, none of those are major showstoppers and hopefully these creases are ironed out soon.
Chillin' with the Cressida: