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Re: A new build......seriously the stuff of legend

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2015 4:08 pm
by c4ptiv3
Okay, I got both pieces of the harness partially heat shrink'd and I ran out, I'll have to go pick up some more tomorrow and finish this up over the next 4 day weekend.

Here's a picture of the C Plug harness. I just need to get some smaller single wire heat shrink and I can finish up the connectors. I've also ran it under the dash so it won't be seen in the bay.

This is the main engine harness, I still have a bit more to go on it heat shrink wise and all the splits.

And this is the damn intake manifold that paint got removed from, it still makes me sick.

Should have more updates over the weekend. I need to get this IAT bung and Wideband bung welded on. I guess I'll set something up for after the new year, it's going to suck getting that thing towed just for the bung install.

Re: A new build......seriously the stuff of legend

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 10:24 am
by SkabRock5
My valve cover and timing cover paint job got ruined as well. It looks like crap. Thinking of just hydro dipping the dang thang.

Re: A new build......seriously the stuff of legend

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 10:28 am
by milchmann
You might think about powder coating them, it is less expensive than you might think ... especially when you consider it lasting forever.

Re: A new build......seriously the stuff of legend

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 11:16 am
by c4ptiv3
Well, my dumb ass didn't read the can on the paint so I had no idea it was supposed to be baked in the oven for 2 hours to harden it up. I will have to run the engine for a few hours to get it cured once it is running. I really don't want to dissassemble the engine so I'll just have to suck it up and be more careful.

I ordered the last two SS fuel line fittings I needed as well as some heater core grommets and I picked up the last of the heat shrink I need for the harness. Should have some good updates this week if all goes well.

I'm still looking for somewhere in Lewisville/Plano/Carrolton area to get my IAT bung and Wideband bung welded up preferably somewhere that does quality work but won't break the bank. The main issue is that the IAT bung I have is steel and the intake is that cheap aluminum, no one seems to be able to weld that stuff and I don't want to shell out anymore money for the correct bung. If anyone knows of a location please let me know.

Should have some good updates if all goes well this week/weekend.

Re: A new build......seriously the stuff of legend

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 11:29 am
by milchmann
Is there enough meat on the throat of the bung to put threads on it? If so, you could thread the bung and tap a hole into the intake, and then bond the bung to the intake with high heat loctite ... or if you are not terribly concerned about it, JB Weld.

Re: A new build......seriously the stuff of legend

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 7:43 pm
by c4ptiv3
Yeah, unfortunately the first thing we tried was threading the intake so I could just insert the IAT. Instead it put a star shaped hole in the pipe, we then tried to weld it ourselves with the badass welder at work but had no idea wtf we were doing and melted the original aluminum bung. I'm now 30 dollars deep on bungs, I do not wish to buy another one, lol.

Re: A new build......seriously the stuff of legend

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2015 11:34 pm
by milchmann
Understood. Sounds like quite a perdicament. Only other not suggested suggestion I have is to mount it near the filter till you can get the bung installed correctly. It will work mostly unless it gets heat soked from the engine ... I have seen it done on drag cars, but those are not getting driven around on the street.

Re: A new build......seriously the stuff of legend

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 4:14 pm
by c4ptiv3
I thought about going JB Weld, but I don't want it falling out on a long road trip and my luck that would be exactly what would happen and I'd be stranded in the middle of nowhere. I'll just get it towed somewhere and welded up right, it sucks but that's the price we pay to have race car.

Got the entire harness almost completed today, then I ran out of heat shrink. The closest place that carries some is pretty far away so I'll just wait until I go to work Monday to pick up more. Here is a picture of the OEM harness versus what I made.

I'm also in need of someone with a stock 16v to send me a picture of their distributor and igniter connects so I can make sure I run these correctly. I've also been taking picture of all the connectors so I can hopefully find somewhere that carries new ones because some of these have seen better days.

Re: A new build......seriously the stuff of legend

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2016 4:55 pm
by c4ptiv3
Got most of the wiring harness completed today. I now need to find a 4 pin connector for the Dizzy/coil connectors since I can't find the OEM style anywhere new. I'm thinking something like this would be great ... Circuits=4" onclick=";return false; . Once I get those in the harness will be completed. I also went out and did a test fit today, everything is just about perfect, I did have to add an extra 1/2" to the water temp connector.

I also got in the fuel line adapters I needed, I will have to measure out the SS line tomorrow and take it up to work to get it cut. Both new temp sensors came in today thanks to McKenney, however, the 2 pin water temp sensor has an offset notch so the injector connectors I bought will not work. I will have to try and find a new one somewhere.

Does anyone have an idea on how to mount my OEM igniter to the MSD universal bracket? The OEM Toyota version had 2 small spots in it to attach it, I guess I'll have to figure something out.

Sorry that I have no new pictures today, nothing to show, yet.

Re: A new build......seriously the stuff of legend

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 4:25 pm
by c4ptiv3
well... I just spent the afternoon ruining SS fuel lines, what are you guys up to?

Re: A new build......seriously the stuff of legend

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 5:04 pm
by milchmann
... working ...

Were the stainless steel lines as big of a pain as I have always heard?

Re: A new build......seriously the stuff of legend

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 7:59 am
by c4ptiv3
Yeah man, they are horrible. I was trying to cut them with a dremel, but it would just fray the ends and I couldn't get the hose ends on them. I brought them to work today to see if I can use a different cutting method to get cleaner cuts. If this doesn't work out I may have to take them somewhere and pay to have them done, we'll see how it goes today.

Re: A new build......seriously the stuff of legend

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 9:17 am
by SkabRock5
I've seen video's where they tape the lines before they cut to prevent fraying.

Re: A new build......seriously the stuff of legend

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 9:18 am
by c4ptiv3
Yea, I tried that but the dremel just destroyed them anyway. Going to try a different cutter at work.

Re: A new build......seriously the stuff of legend

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 5:03 pm
by c4ptiv3
I ended up taking them up to the shop I got them from and having them do it, if I had the proper cutting tools I don't think it would have been so bad. Here they are all hooked up and they look really good, I just need to get a plug for the fuel rail and and everything should be good on that front. I've also got the fuel filter bracket out for sand-blasting so I can paint it, that's why the filter is just hanging out in the air at the moment.

I have also upgraded my pulleys about a month ago... NST had asked me to test out their new lighter pulleys and they are quite fantastic, when I first picked up the box from my doorstep I thought he was screwing with me and had sent me just packing foam or something but low and behold they were in there. They are also an under-drive kit so now I have to go get a smaller belt, I want to say they are like 70% lighter than OEM and I got a single den crank finally.

Going to try and pull the exhaust off this week or weekend and get the wideband welded on, also going to hit up a muffler shop and see if I can get a piece of pipe to use as an intake since this aluminum version will cost me a significant amount of money to get the IAT welded onto it. I also ordered the two connectors I needed and some silicone radiator hoses which should be here tomorrow. I believe I have just a handful of things left to order and it'll be ready to start.