Well im not really looking to get money for all this just a little something cause I honestly want it just gone. For those of you who came to my house tvat day you know Its a cluster F**K there LOL. Sooo with that being said I have...
J-Blood sideskirts------------------40.00 (Pair)
pizza slice rims--------------------40.00 (all 4)
SR5 power steering pumps with brackets-------10 a piece
GT-S starter with heat shield-------10.00
SR5 starter-------------------------10.00
GT-S water line and water pump----------10.00 each
GTS dip stick-------------------------------2.00 a piece
SR5 cam-----------------------------------5.00
clutch resivor------------------------------5.00
SR5 tranny plate---------------------------2.00 a piece
GT-S oxygen sensor-----------------------5.00
Passenger side motor mount--------------2.00
GT-S Oil pan oil tube sucker thingy...------10.00
Clutch fan-------------------------------------5.00
water pump pulley---------------------------2.00
rear tail light TOYOTA thingy----------------2.00
headlight covers-------------------------------5.00 each
SR5 alternators--------------------------------10.00 each
SR5 intake and exhaust part-----------------10.00
Ebay tail light-----------------------------------55.00 hatch
Shipping is just 10 bucks and its a first come first seve thing. I am selling as much stuff as I can before the meet so I dont have to take everything with me. Skirts are fiberglass and the iol pan does not have the oil cooler plug. If you still want it I will even go lower on the price. Im not in it for tve money I just want it gone lol
whoa that is an awesome price for those skirts whats your paypal ill send payment now i also will take the water pump and backing plate with the water pipe LMK
Last edited by ga_goosh on Thu May 07, 2009 2:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I will take care of you and send it saturday my friend I will get you a tracking number as well as pics giving it to the UPS guy. So you know its on its way and stright to you. oh PM me your address