cold side pipe done. needs hose clamps. i did the clutch slave cylinder, and bled that, feels solid. and did the throttle cable thats great. Needs wiring Tomorrow and make a down pipe as well. everything is coming smooth.
Ok as far as making it look easy.. it is but isnt. Its taken me awhile but its working good.
basicly if you have a grinder, a chop saw, a welder, a tape measure and level, and a good eye, anything can be done.
I mean i borrowed a welder, and bought a ton of stuff. pretty much i had helped a buddy in washington put his ca18 into his ae86. and after seeing his and knowing how he did it, it was easy for me to replicate. the worst part is that im converting a GTS from sr5 back to GTS. i had this car, true GTS stripped and basicly made into a SR5. so now im doing the GTS throttle cable, and GTS wiring again, and repairing shit i broke or cut when i did the carb 4age swap.
This was TONS of fabrication. ive spent hours i stay up normally till this time 1-2am working on the car. I spend my weekend ordering parts and putting things together. i do a bit a day and tomorrow i will get tons of crap done.
SO my adivse is IF you have the time, and have a BUDGET, go for it. BUT over budget. ive spent 2500$ so far, and im close to done. need to buy some fluids and basic shit but other then that i mean i budgeted 2000$ with buying a motor, and i mean 2500$ isnt bad its a bit over budget but i had the leway to spend it.