so any1 need any pieces? tell me what u need and u can have it free as long as u can remember that those panels in your car were given to you from your good friend Nasser that let u have them free when my cars broken down on the road lol besides the back seats thats like the only thing ill charge on i still have the brackets and stuff.
yea im driving a blue gts coupe stock rims on da front and so horrible after market rims painted bronze in da back lmk how much for the dash, door panels, and a couple other things id really like to come see what you got. pm if ya would ill
my number is 832 788 7299 u can call me up if u need something and ill search through the pile of stuff and see if i got it also i still have the heater core and all those weird looking contraptions under the dash that makes the ac and stuff work.
i am only giving SOME stuff away free like the add on panels and crap but i am going to be charging for pieces like glove boxes and stuff just not that much i don't care about getting allot of money out of u guys we should be helping each other out.
ok heres prices based on what im seeing they go for on ebay and cutting it half price. glove box 12 bux center console 10 bux thing that goes around ur radio 10 bux both door panels allong with rear panels that go next to the back seats 80 bux. back seats 70 allong with all the mounts and seat belts. the plastic panels on the inside u can just take like all of it for 10 bux i guess. and the heater core along with all those ac things under the dash take it all for 30.
oh and ive also still got the thing that goes on the roof for 20 bux. i think that the prices are pretty fair keep in mind cant get a job at this age and im in about 150 bux in dept with my dad cus i borrowed 130 to pay for new bearings that did not come on the axles i bought so help me out
Last edited by Nasser on Fri Mar 21, 2008 12:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.