In a couple weeks I'm gonna be needing some custom motor and trans mounts made. The guy who was originally suppose to build them isn't returning anyone's phone calls or texts (pisses me off cause I gave'em his supposedly stolen parts back to him for free).
If anyone can do it, let me know please. I have your case of beer waiting.
I bought an engine from this guy on TexasRacingScene (before it got bought out) and it came with an extra head. So I thought cool, I'll just sell it. A couple months later my friend, while working at Thundercloud subs, over hears someone talking to his buddy about his 2jz swapped Z31 and being a car guy he chims in. Turns out Z31 guy helped pull the motor (that I purchased) and he had the extra head in his car but at the end of day the head was gone and the guy I purchased the motor from cut ties with Z31 guy. So being the nice guy I figured I'd do the right thing and return it and perhaps working out a deal with him to do some fabrication work for cheap. Well that's what the original agreement was but apparently since he won't return phone calls or texts...Here we are.
If I lived in Austin I would do it(Im planning on moving to san marcos next fall) but anyways I have a friend that does live in Atx and he could probly point u in the right direction to get the welding/fab work done, I will call him today and see if he isn't too busy or if he wouldn't mind helpin u out with that
If you need someone soon,,,, I know this guy that I meet on craigslist,,, he was looking for tools to barter for welding services so I traded my air gun for some fab work for my corolla and z3..... he said that he is also very reasonalbe and can do all sorts of welding from his garage. I have the know-how,,, just need the space to bring my stuff up from south tex.
Just got off the phone with my buddy there in A-town, he said he would be happy to help and he does know where u can get the welding and fab work done. his name is Mariano and I will PM u his phone number just to be on the safe side because I know he doesn't want alot of spam messages or anything like that, he's like my best friend and a great guy and should be able to get u the help u need, btw what engine ru swaping in that u need custom mounts for if u don't mind me askin, just curious.
yotarolla wrote:Just got off the phone with my buddy there in A-town, he said he would be happy to help and he does know where u can get the welding and fab work done. his name is Mariano and I will PM u his phone number just to be on the safe side because I know he doesn't want alot of spam messages or anything like that, he's like my best friend and a great guy and should be able to get u the help u need, btw what engine ru swaping in that u need custom mounts for if u don't mind me askin, just curious.
I kinda wanted to keep it a secret but oh well. I'm doing a 2jzge into my Te75. I'm staying NA for now. I mean 220-ish HP should be a fun jump from 75hp. :D That and I don't wanna blow up the rear-end til I recover from going over my budget. Lol It's funny because this was originally going to be a super budget build til I decided I don't wanna buy a used clutch/flywheel and fuel pump lol. Supra flywheels and clutches are not cheap. =(
Right on man I defiantly want to see ur TE75 once its done, the really awesome part is earlier today when I talked to my friend he asked what u were swaping into ur car and very quickly came up with a guess, that it would be a 2Jz, lol. U should make build thread
hey i would like to get that welders number i need a few things welded up on my ae86 to make my car more ridgid. i am in austin as well and Ricerkt21 can you post some pics the fab work you got done from your guy