Engine Rebuilds
Engine Swaps
5-speed swaps
Coilover installs
Suspension modification
Wiring / Electrical
Fuel, brake, cooling systems
Steering system service/modification
Wheel fitment and Lowering - I can help you get the stance you want!
Drivetrain work
I am the owner of a small shop in Fredericksburg, with many years experience doing engine rebuilds, swaps, and pretty much any other modifications. I am familiar with drift/race car modifications as well as restoring components to factory operation. Plus I'm a cool guy who doesn't cheat people!

Give me a call or text at 830 998 8022, or email thomaslgary@yahoo.com. Or you can PM me on this forum. We can talk about what you need and get you a fair price quote. Thank you for your business,
Thomas Gary