Before we begin... i'd like to ask if you wouldn't mind playing this in the background while you read this
A friend John Mckenney referred me to this site. I'd like to first start off by saying that sometimes when I get hyper, My spelling, punctuation, grammar, and sentence structure goes to shit, That being said; 86's usually have this tendency to do this to me >_<
So, back in the 2005, I lived in Burleson, Tx, I had a friend who worked at a Car lot in Joshua, Tx. We hungout a lot at his lot. and one day he picked up a Cherry 1986 Corolla SR-5 4-AC Ran, was great... I loved it... Paid 800$ for it.. Best money I have ever spent. Had 62k original miles on it I drove it home and was in love... Within the first 24 hours i had a spreadsheet out with my stages of my build and whatnot 2-4 years later I finally was able to afford my 4age. I'm going to sum up how that went in a short "thing" below. Many of times i would just sit out in the garage on a cool night staring at him. Wanting him to be more than he is... and i would sit in the drivers seat, imagining driving down the California coast line, windows down... feeling and smelling everything.. I was in love..... I never loved anything more ..... People offered me money and cars for trade... I said no... This was my car my baby. My EVERYTHING.. f-bomb VTEC f-bomb boost... It was all about 200 rwhp a tight suspension setup... good brakes and great tyres Nothing in the Verse could stop me..
Drove to pick-n-Pull Dallas > They has 2 of them > pulled the motor/trans/rear diff > took motor to JIS engine rebuilders in Arlington > after full rebuilt > installed and got it running in there storage unit in Dallas near LOVE Field.
Below is the car I pulled all my stuff from. Pick-N-PULL FTMFW!!!!

Drove that car more than my Acura Integra GSR at the time. Sold the GSR used the money to work on my AE86 and then after a year Moved To Austin, Texas. Money troubles... Starving for food for 2 months.. Couldn't pull myself out of the shit.... Had to sell the car. BIGGEST MISTAKE OF MY ENTIRE LIFE......
This is him at his prime... His name was Akakuro!!!

Now... I'm sure a lot of you are now at this point of the story being like ....

I've regretted that move since I did it.. Now.....
5 years Later...... I've had some interesting cars.... dsm's, mirage turbo 4g61t's <-- accurate engine code, 04 blue SRT-4 and now I have the only other Car that i've wanted since i heard about it.....
2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution 9 Mr

And i'm currently slowly 3m Vinyl Wrapping it in Arctic White

This evo is quite a car... It feels and drives like you would want and expect it to... But... She is so techincal .. Btw her name is darwin ^.^ She does EXACTLY everything she is suppose to do. She is beautiful in so many ways... But.... the connection... That glove.. .that feeling... I had when i drove my ae86 for the first time.. that feeling i felt when the rear broke loose on a off ramp and i held it... and pulled out of it like a champ and was white as a ghost and crying in joy . I've never had a car quite like my 86.
But here I am Tyler, 31, I wanted to be a GTCC Driver since I was 17.. That didn't plan out as i expected but ok. I'm ok with this.. My second passion, Gaming... I <3 fps and rpg's and MMo's like most. about 3 years ago i started to want to design and make my own .. So i did....
3 years later, google/self taught , I make my living off of Secondlife selling 3d models and etc. I'm currently in Arizona after a recient family death, I'm wrapping things up here and planning on moving back to Austin, Texas Where i would like to go back to ACC and get my associates and work on a game development degree and hopefully become a 3d game asset designer
Here is some of my 3d modeling work

Oh yeah Btw.. I love Carl Sagan... And I want to buy another ae86...
Thank you for your time.