get your factory 4AG fuel pressure regulator picked out and ready.

first the vacuum line inlet.

I just used a red sharpie to indicate what i'll be lopping off.

ahhh, progress

i didn't cut all the way through. i didn't want the spring to jump out and possibly hit me or someone else nearby in the face.

so i just pried the remainder off with some vice grips.

with the help of my stationary grinding wheel, i ground down the edge of the remaining top hat (makes the fpr too wide to fit the B & M hat over it) to keep it intact and still use it to help take up the slack with the B & M kit installed. this is just to make sure we've got a good seal.

spared rubber gasket placed back where i found it.

the round off hat that i was talking about earlier.

ready to be assembled

voila! assembled and with a new o-ring to boot!