I've got a 4AGE in a spare MR2, its a 86 3 rib blue top with not too many miles. It has been sitting up since 02 due to a bad clutch, the oil still looks clean and the coolant was still green. I was told the engine was ran on a regular basis up until two years ago or so. It has a complete mint wiring harness, the ecu is missing but I can get one for a few extra bucks.
I'll get some pictures up. it has a FWD intake/exhaust manifold so I'm listing it as a good used long block (From valve cover to the oil pan) no manifolds.
water pump
crank pulley
valve covers
any sensor that is bolted into the engine (IE oil pressure sensor)
$200 for the long block
I've got the following extra misc
Intake manifold w/tb and all sensors attached
Exhaust manifold
Wiring harness in great condition
C50 MR2 transmission
Complete 4AGE
Re: Complete 4AGE
Working on pics car is at my friends house right now.
Ignitor/coil together
Oreillies house brand spark plug wires, about 3 months/3,000 miles on them
$10 (Paid 25-30)
Accel 8.8mm wires with no coil wire
(This reminds me, longblock above includes distributor, spark plug wires, no cap or rotor though)
Ignitor/coil together
Oreillies house brand spark plug wires, about 3 months/3,000 miles on them
$10 (Paid 25-30)
Accel 8.8mm wires with no coil wire
(This reminds me, longblock above includes distributor, spark plug wires, no cap or rotor though)
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- Posts: 106
- Joined: Wed Oct 28, 2009 11:00 am
- Location: San Antonio, Texas
Re: Complete 4AGE
Depending on your location and pics I might pick up the long block and intake manifold from you. The long block is from the valve covers down to the oil pan correct no missing pieces internally? Where are located?