Well I know with that last Honda comment I made it seems that I got a few people ticked off. Well the reason I made that comment was if you were to come to San Antonio and spend a week where all the car meets go down then you will see what I mean about the Honda Community here. Of course the corollas are slow and any car can considered slow. But over here in the SOuthside there are hondas here that are all ragged out. And by ragged out I mean HUGE 3 foot wing body kits from diffrent makes of cars on there car that has been bondoed to there car. Neon lights , cut springs scrapping the road , open header , LOUD AS F*&%!! blastin the cRAP music and seat all lowered with that little ass head and seat all the way back and as soon as they see a car with ANY and I mean ANY mod they rev it and then wanna race. They stare you down and rev to you again. Yea I know you will get that any where but its mainly 89% of all Honda owners here. Once again I can appericate a nicly done honda or acura or any car of that matter but when they come with that S**T...Come on its not just me that feels very strongly against THOSE type of people. of course you can sit back and laugh while they look stupid and shake your head in dissapoitment of what I said but when it all comes down to the fact that you see a honda looking like this.....
Now I can really appericate a well nicley done car like this....
But all im saying is that some of you may or even still are honda owners. I have nothing against you. I just think that the Honda community here in San Antonio is really really funny and stupid. I mean who cares if you have 5% limo tint and a B18b1 with a B16 tranny and GSR head and a intake you still are not gonna run 10's at the track but yet when you race them with all there LITTLE mods they have done to there car and you still end up winning and as you slow down after a good race they just blow by you with that loud ass buzzing exhaust and throw on there flashers as if they won and then show off by doing burn outs and telling every one that your Vtec just kicked in overdrive......See that what im talking about. But If I have offended some of you then I am really sorry and didnt mean to. Now after all the crying and appoligizing is over here is a pic we can all enjoy..
the honda crowed around here, at least at the friday night meets at cons are the exact same way.they are rude and disrespectful. i dont think they act that way normally i think its just the crowd mentality that takes affect when they gather. thats why the "muscle guys just dont like them"
and again i have honda freinds and i mean no disrespect.
i seemed to have missed the other thread, but for what its worth, my first car was a 4th Gen Accord.
Then after i while i put a JDM H22A into it and did an auto-manual swap (but no LSD DAMNIT) and i LOVEEDDDDD that car...until i wrecked it in the highway in the rain =(
i have to agree that its the car OWNERS that suck, not the cars. im sure there are plenty of AE86's owners that are douches, and they will be in all aspects of their life, not just their car.
if i have pics of my accord, i'll post them up. it'll bring back some memories and tears
ok, i may piss people off with this. i don't mean to. i just observe what goes on around me. living next to the boreder and with lots of hispanic people, i've noticed that alot of them are very ignorant. (NOT ALL BUT MOST I'VE RAN INTO) they will do all they can to bother you. as soon as it stops bothering you they will stop and find something els to do to bother you. i.e. i used to work at a sushi bar where they only spoke spanish. (i know) and they would call me chackie chan all the time cause i was the closest thing to an asian they had every seen and chackie chan was the only asain they knew. (i don't think i look like him at all) but as soon as i started going along with it. they stopped. then they started calling me chun lee. (yeah i know.) don't get me wrong. i'm not racist trust me. i know what racist is. my father is. i just don't like ignorance.
"Now their greatest enemy is chlamydia, a disease also found in humans. This disease is transmitted by sexual contact, and it has killed over three thousand koalas in the last year."
mandm177 wrote:i seemed to have missed the other thread, but for what its worth, my first car was a 4th Gen Accord.
Then after i while i put a JDM H22A into it and did an auto-manual swap (but no LSD DAMNIT) and i LOVEEDDDDD that car...until i wrecked it in the highway in the rain =(
i have to agree that its the car OWNERS that suck, not the cars. im sure there are plenty of AE86's owners that are douches, and they will be in all aspects of their life, not just their car.
if i have pics of my accord, i'll post them up. it'll bring back some memories and tears
former CB7 tuner too!?
were you ever on cb7tuner or accordtuner? i thoroughly enjoyed working on my 4th gen 4door ex. it was converted over to a 5spd after the A/T gave up the ghost. an f22b from udon land took the place of the USDM f22a sohc (reground cam) after it expired (went out after first putting the hurt - 100 yards!!! - on an eg hatch at the 610 to 45n junction).
The problem is most of the Honda guys I've met are snot nose kids who dont really know what a fast car is, to me Hondas are great for gettin grocery's and keeping grandma safe if you want to build a proper fast/sports car it has to be either RWD or AWD, I have only owned one FWD an Aucra TL bought it with 5000 miles on it in 98 it was a great car never had any problems paid it off and sold it, just wasnt a fun car it was a commuter not once did I ever have an urge to modify it, thats just my 2cent some people live and die by Honda's to me it almost seems like a fad that people grow out of
were you ever on cb7tuner or accordtuner? i thoroughly enjoyed working on my 4th gen 4door ex. it was converted over to a 5spd after the A/T gave up the ghost. an f22b from udon land took the place of the USDM f22a sohc (reground cam) after it expired (went out after first putting the hurt - 100 yards!!! - on an eg hatch at the 610 to 45n junction).
the old CB7 is up in the honda section.
nope. man, this was back in....2000-2002 i think. back then it was superhonda.com, accordclub.com (i think that was the site), and i think there was 1 more, but i dont remember it.
i told myself that if i ever hit the lottery, the first thing im gonna buy is a white 4th gen accord and do the swap again. :D
like I siad I have nothing against GOOD honda owners its just a select few that tend to ruin it for the rest of the crowd. Im all for a nicly done car. But its all poor and sad over here. Most of the honda guys here will rev to anything that has 2 wheels. And where there are car meets its the honda people that will arrive with the cut springs and pull the ebrake and act stupid forcing all of us to get thrown out of the lot that was being a good car meet. I know its like that EVERYWHERE which is why i feel strongly against the select few of honda owners that ruin a good meet or the car culture. Hope you guys can understand, And to HondaRue if that was not a good explanation why i feel that way then i dont know what to say.
there is nothing wrong with a tastefully done up honda but most of the times there not. usually there stock auto with a can and a three feet wing that could double as a salad bar
So do i have to take the wing off my civic now? wtf neon kits are cool. I had a 92 cb7 on skunk2s for a bit, my sister still has a 93 lx. everyone has their own taste in cars let them be, laugh if you have to and move on. I get more riled up about all of these 10 sec cars on the streets, I'd take a 100 loud slow civics over a dumb teenager in a ls1 camaro driving way to fast.
Are any of you really listning to me???? Im not saying I dont like Hondas Im saying that there are a select few that ruin it for the WHOLE CROWD. Yes I can officaly say I had a civic but i sold it 2 days after I had it reason being I didnt want to become like everyone else out there. Huge ass fart can 3 foot wing cut springs and do 80 on the freeway trying to say you just beat a automatic maxima. Reality is YES i know there are people like that and you will find them EVERYWHERE but we all seem to find them mostly riding in hondas correct????? And the reason I say I like the 95 accord is cause of the body lines. One can appericate performance while for me I will take the cosmetics over the performance. So please if you drive a Honda right now dont get all butt hurt over what I said cause I know you are not like the kids I previously stated. So for the most part dont take any of this pearsonal. By the way.....neons are way out dated....