Nasser wrote:shit you have to mix gas and oil like a 2stroke engine?
Welcome to rotaries 101 sit down and pay attention.
Todays directions are to find out the information on your current topic of interest before asking any questions. Most of the time simple answers can be answered very easily with basic knowledge of the topic of interest.
If you read about the Wankel Rotary style engine you will know the following...
It is a basically a triangle, aka the Rotor, that spins around in the oval shaped housing you might refer to as the block or case. As the Rotor spins around on a fixed crankshaft and moves around a fixed crank with different offset lobes to create the moving of it around during the otto cycle (the basic cycle the rotary runs) . Due to the design of the Wankel and the otto cycle it allows the Wankel engine to make power each revolution of the crank unlike a piston engine which makes power each 1/2 revolution of the crank. The Wankel engine would have taken off very well however, with Mazda being the only company mass producing the Wankel engine, it did not get the treatment it deserved. The Apex seals were not very well built in early models as well as the fuel system which provided horrible fuel mileage when the Wankel can provide fair mpg vs hp. Mazda did there best however to keep the Wankel going by adding oil squirter's, much like the high comp 4age's have. These oil squirters helped keep the friction on the apex seals lower for longer life, however these oil squirters can fail causing a Wankel engine to live a shorter life especially in high performance Wankels.
Now knowing a few of the basic's of a Wankel engine, (everyone uses rotary for slang) you can understand now why hvguy is using 2 stroke oil in his gas. It is burnable oil that helps extend the life of his Wankel during the rigorous challenges he is putting on it during drifting.
Please don't ask me too much on the Wankel engine's, I only know the basic's and PLEASE read up on your own on them, my info may not be correct, hopefully someone will correct me if I am wrong